Senin, 12 April 2010

degree of comparison.


Tingkat Perbandingan

Kata sifat kuantitatif much dan little, dan kata sifat bilangan many and few, mempunyai tingkat

perbandingan (degrees comparison).

The degrees of comparison (tingkat perbandingan) berjumlah tiga tingkat, yaitu :

1. The positive degree (tingkat biasa)
contoh :
- Ali is AS TALL AS Anwar

2. The comparative (tingkat lebih/perbandingan)
contoh :
- A train is FASTER than a bus

3. The superlative (tingkat paling)
contoh :
-The Wisma Nusantara building is THE TALLEST building in Jakarta

passive voice

Passive Voice 18 Agustus 2009
Posted by masdin in Level Lanjutan.
Tags: passive voice

Ada dua bentuk “voice” dalam bahasa Inggris, active voice dan passive voice. Active voice menunjukkan apa yang dilakukan oleh subjek, contoh:

* The secretary wrote a letter (Sekretaris menulis sebuah surat)

Passive voice menunjukkan apa yang dilakukan terhadap subjek. Contoh:

* The letter was written by the secretary (Surat ditulis oleh sekreatir)


Kalimat pasif dibuat dengan kata kerja “to be” dan kata kerja bentuk ke-3.


Untuk menyatakan apa penyebab sebuah tindakan pasif, kita bisa menggunakan by. Contoh:

* This photo was taken by my friend.
* I was given this by my brother.

Seringkali tidak diperlukan untuk menyatakan penyebab tindakan pasif, khususnya jika dipahami dengan jelas atau tidak relevan. Sebagai contoh:

* The meeting was cancelled (pertemuan itu dibatalkan). (Informasi penting yang ingin disampaikan adalah pembatalan pertemuan, bukan siapa yang membatalkannya.)

* These boots were made in Italy (sepatu-sepatu boot ini dibuat di Italia). (Informasi yang penting dalam kalimat ini adalah bahwa sepatu-sepatu tersebut dibuat di Italia, bukan siapa yang membuatnya).


Ketika berbicara tentang kelahiran orang tertentu atau suatu peristiwa, kita menggunakan bentuk pasif “to be born”. Contoh:

* I was born in Iran.
* The twins were born just last year.


Get bisa digunakan menggantikan to be pada situasi dimana sesuatu terjadi. Contoh:

- Our flight got cancelled = Our flight was cancelled.
- I got paid today = I was paid today.

Get tidak bisa digunakan pada situasi-situasi umum dan apabila bersama dengan kata kerja yang menyatakan keadaan (bukan tindakan). Contoh:

- He is liked by a lot of people. - Benar
- He gets liked by a lot of people. - Tidak benar
- She is known to be a hard-working employee. - Benar
- She gets known to be a hard-working employee.- Tidak benar

Get digunakan lebih sering dalam bahasa Inggris informal.


Conditional Sentence

Dalam bahas indonesia artinya adalah kalimat pengandaian. Dalam bahasa inggris selalu berbentuk kalimat majemuk (compound sentence), yaitu kalimat yang terdiri ataas induk kalimat (man clause) dan anak kalimat (subordinate clause). Pada bentuk Conditional Secntence ini diantara nduk dan anak kalimat digabungakan dengan menggunakan kaata if.

Didalam bahasa inggris terdapat 3 jenis bentuk kalimat pengandaian :
1. Future Possible
Bentuk ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang akan terjadi dimasa depan jika suatu syarat terpenuhi.
contoh :
- I will come if i am not busy

2 Present Unreal
Bentuk ini digunakan apabila kita ingin mengkhayalkan suatu keadaan yang bertentangan dengan kenyataan yang ada saat ini.
contoh :
- i would buy a new ride if got much money

3. Past Unreal
bentuk ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu keadaan yang berlawanan dengan kenyataan yang sebenarnya dimasa lampau
contoh :
-He would have passed the exam if he studied harder before

adjective Clause


Adjective Clause adalah clausa yang fungsinya menerangkan kata benda.

Pengertian Adjective Clause di bagi menjadi 2 yaitu :
- Adjective adalah Part of word clause that modifies noun
- Clause adalah kombinasi dari subjek dan predikat tetapi tidak dapat berfungsi.

adjective clause adalah klausa yang digunakan sebagai adjective. Sebagai adjective, adjective clause digunakan sebagai modifier yaitu untuk menerangkan noun dan pronoun, tetapi tidak pernah digunakan sebagai object kalimat.

Adjective clause dibagi menjadi dua macam, yaitu:
1. Important (defining) adjective clause, yaitu adjective clause yang merupakan informasi penting bagi antecedent.
2. Unimportant (undefining) adjective clause, yaitu adjective clause yang merupakan informasi yang tidak penting bagi antece

Clause ini digunakan untuk memberi keterangan, identitas, dan informasi lain kepada katabenda (Antecedent). Dalam struktur Adjective Clause ditandai dengan Relative Pronoun, yaitu: who, whom, whose, which.

- Who
digunakan untuk orang dalam posisi subjek (human as subject).
- Whom
digunakan untuk orang dalam posisi objek (human as object).
- Which
digunakan untuk benda, baik dalam posisi subjek atau objek (non-human as subject/objek)
- Whose
digunakan untuk kepemilikan

Contoh dari Adjective Clause :
1. Who
The student who doesn’t study seriously will not pass.

2. Whom
The girl whom I introduce to you last week is my student

3. Which
The animal which runs quicly named lion.

4. Whom
The student whose hat is yellow is lazy student


* what she is reading
* that she is reading
* what you did last summer
* that you did last summer

Sumber :

tugas sofskill 04

1. present tense
they go to campus

2. present continous tense
I am playing

3. present perfect tense
he has been sleeping

4. present perfect tense
they have been playing

5. past tense
she went to another man

6. past continous tense
i was writing a book

7. past perfect tense
we had wrote the paper

8. past perfect continous tense
he had been chating

i clause

This is a story of a little boy named Theo, who woke up one morning and asked Mom
"What if there were no black people in the world?"

Well, Mom thought about that for a moment and then said, "Son, follow me around
today and let's just see what it would be like if there were no black people in the world.
Get dressed and we will get started."

Theo ran to his room to put on his clothes and shoes. But there were no shoes, and his
clothes were all wrinkled. He looked for the iron, but when reached for the ironing
board, it was no longer there. You see Sarah Boone, a Black woman, invented the
ironing board and Jan E. Matzelinger, a Black man invented the shoe lasting machine.

"Oh well", Mom said, "Go and do your hair." Theo ran in his room to comb his hair, but
the comb was not there. You see, Walter Sammons, a Black man, invented the comb.
Theo decided to just brush his hair, but the brush was gone You see Lydia O. Newman,
a Black female invented the brush.

Well, he was a sight, no shoes, wrinkled clothes, hair a mess without the hair care
inventions of Madam C. J. Walker, ...well, you get the picture. Mom told Theo,
"Lets do the chores around the house and then take a trip to the grocery store."

Theo's job was to sweep the floor. He swept and swept and swept. When he reached
for the dustpan, it was not there. You see LIoyd P. Ray, a Black man, invented the
dustpan. So he swept his pile of dirt over in the corner and left it there. He then
decided to mop the floor, but the mop was gone. You see, Thomas W. Stewart, a
Black man, invented the mop.

Theo thought to himself, "I'm not having any luck." "Well, son," Mom said. "We should
wash the clothes and prepare a list for the grocery store. When he was finished, Theo
went to place the clothes in the dryer, but it was not there. You see, George T. Samon,
a Black man, invented the clothes dryer. Theo got a pencil and some paper to prepare
the list for the market, but noticed that the pencil lead was broken as well, he was out
of luck because John Love, a Black man, invented the pencil sharpener. He reached
for a pen, but it was not there because William Purvis, a Black man, invented the
fountain pen. As a matter of fact, Lee Burridge invented the type writing machine, and
W. A. Lavette, the printing press.

So they decided to head out to the market. Well, when Theo opened the door, he
noticed the grass was as high as he was tall. You see the lawnmower was invented
by John Burr, a Black man.

They made their way over to the car and found that it just wouldn't go. You see Robert
Spikes, a Black man, invented the automatic gear shift and Joseph Gammel invented
the supercharge system for internal combustion engines.

They noticed that the few cars that were moving were running into each other and
having wrecks because there were no traffic signals. You see, Garrett A. Morgan,
a Black man, invented the traffic light.

Well, it was getting late, so they walked to the market, got their groceries and returned
home. Just when they were about to put away the milk, eggs and butter, they noticed
the refrigerator was gone. You see, John Standard, a Black man, invented the
refrigerator. So they put the food on the counter.

Kalimat passive

I was hit by a car that was driven by a drunk drver who was going home after a night out. What can i do in addtion to suing the drunk driver..?